Our Services
Coaching, consulting, and professional development services are customized to meet the need of each client's goals. The list below offers a generalized list of packages most clients are drawn to. Rates are valid for contracts built and activated in 2023.
Individual Coaching
Personalized coaching and coaching small teams of individuals

Developing Leaders
Assessments and customized coaching for emerging leaders

Group Coaching
Facilitating group coaching to support healthy team dynamics

Working Cultures
Building environments where goals are achieved by peak performance

Individual Coaching
Perfect for teams working toward common goals or individuals working on self-improvement
Weekly or bi-weekly coaching
Per person pricing
Virtual format
Subscription to monthly newsletter
Coaching Self-Discovery
Define coaching as a way to develop greater partnerships and collaborations with positive intentions
Introduce the neuroscience of coaching for understanding how the brain and environments can impact more effective human communication
Discover internal and external factors that bring coaching energy and barriers to light
Assess self-awareness and awareness of others as a way to build empathy and stay conscious of barriers and biases
Identify elements of self-trust, relational trust, and organizational trust that can impact the development of a coaching culture
Introduce key coaching strategies to raise consciousness in practice opportunities and to build more equitable relationships
In-person (3 days)
Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Cohort
12 weeks (6 one-hour synchronous sessions; 6 off-week challenges)
Monthly Coaching check-ins
Everything DiSC Workplace® Profile
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Business Strategy
Coaching and HR Strategy
Leadership coaching for executive teams
Up to 3 members
Building healthy organizational culture
Integrating HR strategic initiative into action
Weekly or bi-weekly coaching
1-hour monthly strategy meetings
Subscription to monthly newsletter
Custom pricing based on business needs
Coaching OnDemand
Individual pricing
Virtual/In-Person coaching format
Flexible scheduling and on-demand coaching
Weekly or bi-weekly coaching
Subscription to monthly newsletter
$2100/three month plan
Aligning the Work of Leaders
Explore the problems of practice and success without a clear vision
Explore best practices of visioning, alignment, and execution in a leadership context
Increase awareness about current visioning, alignment, and execution behaviors and practice the related skills
Practice collaborative insights into the vision, alignment, and execution process.
Create a vision and an action plan for gaining alignment and successful execution
Define the role of the champion and related behaviors
In-person (2 days)
Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Cohort
12 weeks (6 one-hour synchronous sessions; 6 off-week challenges)
Monthly Coaching check-ins
Everything DiSC Work Of Leaders® Profile
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Business Development
Small business organizational change
Strategic planning and development with executive leaders & teams
Analysis of business needs & goals
Business development planning & executive support
Weekly leadership coaching (up to 5 members)
Subscription to monthly newsletter
Custom pricing based on business needs